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PCOS in Teens and Their Treatment

Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal disorder that often occurs in young women. This disease can cause symptoms in the form of menstrual disorders during puberty. If not treated, PCOS in adolescents can cause fertility problems and various diseases. PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a female reproductive disorder that makes eggs cannot be released, excess levels of masculine (androgen), and cysts appear in large quantities in the ovary. Until now, the cause of PCOS is not known with certainty. However, this disease is thought to be caused by impaired function of insulin (a blood sugar regulating hormone), an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, and genetic factors. PCOS often appears in adolescence. Not only causes menstrual disorders, PCOS in adolescents is at risk of causing fertility disorders, anxiety disorders or depression, to heart disease and uterine cancer.

Unravel further about the symptoms of PCOS in adolescents

PCOS symptoms usually appear at puberty, although some sufferers do not experience symptoms until adulthood. Symptoms that are often experienced by PCOS sufferers in their teens are menstrual disorders, such as irregular menstruation or even no menstruation at all (amenorrhea). The following are some examples of menstrual disorders that can occur in people with PCOS:
  • No menstruation for 3 months, even though you have already had a period before.
  • Long menstrual cycle (oligomenorrhea), i.e. getting menstruation every 3 months in the first year after the first menstruation, getting menstruation every 2 months in the second year after the first menstruation, or getting menstruation every 45 days.
  • The distance between menstruation is less than 3 weeks, or menstruation occurs more than 7 days.
In addition to menstrual disorders, an increase in the hormone androgen in PCOS can cause severe acne and the growth of a mustache, beard or chest hair in women (hirsutism). Patients with PCOS in adolescents can also experience obesity and a skin pigment disorder called acanthosis nigricikan.

PCOS Treatment in Adolescents

The goal of PCOS treatment in adolescents is to relieve symptoms. Therefore, the method of treatment depends on the symptoms that appear. To reduce symptoms, patients are advised to change their lifestyle to be healthier, such as exercising regularly 150 minutes per week, reducing consumption of sweet foods and drinks, and avoiding consumption of fast food. This lifestyle can make insulin function in the body more effectively. While the general treatment methods given by doctors to treat PCOS in adolescents based on symptoms are:

Treatment of menstrual disorders

To overcome menstrual disorders in PCOS sufferers, doctors can give a combination birth control pill that contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Other drug options are hormone pills containing only progesterone or patches (patches) that contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Treatment of hirsutism

Hirsutism can be reduced by combination birth control pills or spironolactone drugs. In addition to using drugs, PCOS sufferers can shave hair, apply a hair loss cream, do waxing, or undergo laser therapy to remove unwanted hairs.

Acne treatment

Doctors can give estrogen and progesterone combination hormone pills or spironolactone pills to inhibit the hormone androgen which can stimulate acne. In addition to hormone pills, doctors can also give antibiotic creams to treat acne. Although PCOS cannot be completely cured, there are several treatment options that can help reduce the symptoms of this disease. With proper treatment, PCOS sufferers can live a normal life. Don't hesitate to consult with your obstetrician if you or your teenager experience severe menstrual disorders, hirsutism, and acne. The doctor will determine whether the disorder is caused by PCOS or other conditions.


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